Useful Links
These links are to Websites that I have no control over and on my review they appear to provide good medical information and I think are useful to parents of Children with intestinal problems. I try to keep these updated when I have time. 3/17/2013
- American Liver Foundation
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Crohn's Colitis Website
- Calories in restaurant foods
- Calculate calories for weight loss
- Digestive Diseases Home (NIH)
- Hepatitis B Foundation
- Healthy Children.ORG
- Kids with IBD
- Kid's Health
- Amino Acid Formula-Elecare
- Amino Acid Formulas-Neocate
- Breastfeeding recommendations AAP
- Barrett's Esophagitis
- Clostridum Difficile in Children (Canadian)
- Constipation and Encopresis
- Crohn's patients health care maintenace-CCFA
- Dietary Fructose intolerance
- Dysphagia-swallowing problems
- Eosinophilic Esophagitis
- Eosinophilic Esophagitis 6 Food Elimination
- Failure to thrive
- Feeding therapy for children - Kennedy Krieger
- Feeding Therapy-Weisman's Rehabilitation
- FODMAP diets for IBS
- Targeted Elimination Diet for EOE
- Functional Abdominal pain and Biofeedback
- Gallstones
- Gastroparesis
- Growth Chart &Immunization Schedules
- Hepatitis C in children
- H Pylori in Children
- How Many Calories do I need?
- Intestinal Polyps in Children
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Lactose Intolerance
- Milk Protein Intolerance/Allergy
- Obesity
- Probiotics
- Reflux in Children
- Locate a Pediatric Gastroenterologist